I Must Start
Starting a company is something akin the moment Shaun White describes at the starting gate of a snowboarding moment. “That moment right there, I committed”. That is the same as...
Organic Erotic Blogs
A sanctuary is not something we find. It’s something we create.
There’s a vibration to the world outside—an undercurrent of movement, voices, and the hum of life constantly shifting. I feel it when I step into...
Work Needs to Feel Good to be Good
I was traveling recently to a couple of cities in Europe. I was not expecting the trip to be quite as nostalgic. At each airport...
Why I Love Being At Home
The heart of Organic Erotic is making spaces feel good. To me, my room is my everything. It is my safe place. My creative place....
It’s The Small Things
I have been traveling a lot the past week. Five planes in seven days. Different cities. Each a unique environment. Some have been stark, nothing...
What I Learned In Year One
In late 2022, Joanna, CEO and Founder of Organic Erotic, asked me to start this company with her. She told me it would be fun....
Someone Told Me I Don’t Have Enough Color In My Apartment
I recently moved to California. We decided we wanted to live in sunshine, found a new warehouse for Organic Erotic and found a house we...
Where I Find Emptiness
Emptiness is coming up a lot in my life lately. It is mentioned and talked about regularly in the daily Tibetan Buddhist practice I do...
What Moving Gave Me
Today I made my morning tea. The sky still black outside with a small ribbon of light beginning to emerge. I am getting familiar with...
Someone Asked Me What NOT To Have In Your Bedroom
I got an email this week asking me what not to have in your bedroom from the OE perspective. The email took me by surprise....