Organic Erotic woman statue features a full-figured woman sitting with her knees to her chest.
A black cement statue to add depth and gravity to your space. A full - figured woman to remind you of the beauty of a woman’s curves and the power of embracing your body and self fully.
This piece looks stunning in any room, reminding each of us the power of a woman.
This piece was created by a woman designer in London, Abigail Ahern, her series of woman statues captures and embodies the values of Organic Erotic.
Organic Erotic desires for you to feel good in your space. It is a radical act to orient your life in the manner of designing your home by the felt sense. Similarly, its a radical act to embrace your womanly curves and love yourself and your body completely.
At Organic Erotic, we love placing this product in women’s boxes to bring beauty, depth, love, and gravity to their space. Place this item on a flat surface in your home and remind yourself of the beauty of a woman’s curves, the beauty of you.
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