It Is Not About How it Looks, But How It Feels

Posted by Sofia Platti on

When we first started taking people through the process of Organic Erotic, everything felt so new. There was no road map and everything we did felt like taking a step in the invisible. It can still feel like that at times, but the process has revealed itself in such a way that the profound impact it has on someone’s space has started to take hold. 

At the time we started, OE was operating out of New York City, while I was all the way across the country in California. It worked because I was the one interacting with customers, and our customers were all over the country. In fact, I felt even more connected to our customers because as I would reach out to each one, wherever they were in their homes, I felt similar. Further away physically but connected by something deeper. 

Our products manager came up with this idea to curate monastery kits, an altar space for the reminder of ritual and practices like meditation. Immediately, I felt the desire for one and asked her to put one together for me. 

When it arrived, it was the first time I saw our box in person with the logo Organic Erotic. The path of OE made its way into my home and it went from being a concept in our minds, to the physical world in this box. I almost felt like the beauty of that box was enough. 

I was so excited when it arrived that my husband stopped what he was doing in his office and came over to see me open it. 

As I slowly opened my box and unwrapped the tissue paper to reveal my hand carved wood altar stand, Tibetan bell and vajra, sandalwood prayer mala beads and eucalyptus lavender candle, I noticed this feeling of slight overwhelm. I thought maybe it was just the excitement. 

I set it up carefully on my bookshelf where I had cleared a space prior following our OE emptying process. I felt this relief, like my body was being weighed down, a gravity, especially from the thickness of the wood of the altar stand and the history in the bell. And then I felt it in a flash, the overwhelm again. I noticed this real quiet whisper of my attention moving from this beautiful raw grounded vignette where my altar stand sat to scanning the rest of my room and I noticed every item that did not have that feeling. I suddenly noticed the fake manufactured feeling of a lot of the items in my space, that lacked the feeling of life and depth this monastery kit had. 

It was an intense feeling because my instinct was to want to get rid of every single thing in my home. Like I wanted to jump out of my body. In that moment, I thought of our customers receiving our items and how it must feel to not know what that feeling of overwhelm could be. 

I used to think that I would only have a beautiful space when I had enough money to buy the most expensive furniture. It always seemed like a very far off in the future experience I would have, but what I realized was I was more concerned with how it looked. What others would think of me and my space. And the status it would bring me. What shifted for me in that moment is the feeling that I was actually wanted came in this small OE box. And it wasn’t that much money. 

It’s shifted a lot in me. The value of nature, of attention, and of the felt sense. Our founder says that feeling good in your space doesn’t need to cost a lot and only once I received my monastery kit did I really begin to understand that. That it’s truly is not about how it looks, but how it feels.

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