It has been a harder week for me. I often feel this way around the Holidays. Something about this time of year has me be more internal and that isn’t always comfortable.
After a long hiatus, I’ve recently began my morning walks again. I like starting the day with moving my body. If I wait until the end of the day, my excuses set in and it seems to never happen. I started outside my house. Turn right the voice said. The brisk air made me walk faster than my typical pace and it felt good. I had an internal wrestle inside of me. As though I had been put in the washing machine on the cotton cycle. My mind bouncing from place to place, not able to bring my attention to any one thing clearly.
The cross walk stopped me with a red hand. I took this moment to pause. A thought landed in me like a single drop of rain coming down from the sky. Begin with the good. Even one thing. That is enough. The hand turned green and I started up again. Only now, my attention was aimed at the good.
I began thinking about this whole first year of Organic Erotic. I thought of specific customers who have let us know how much OE impacted them. Then a thought of a call I had heard of recently where an OE guide told me of a woman who said how much the cards on the products she received moved her. The stories kept rolling through my mind.
My feet kept going. A friend once told me you can build a whole life on one green leaf — recognizing one good thing at a time. It is said that our lives are built on what we “see” and the eyes we “see” them through. When I get lost, the reminder is to begin with recognizing the good, no matter how small.
The same is true for your home. Begin with recognizing the good. In the midst of the chaos you feel around you, find one thing that feels good. Focus on that. What feels good about it? What draws you more deeply in? What do you appreciate about it? I like to start small. When I try to think of too many or too big of things, I loose the feeling I am working to anchor in to.
There is a lot of good all around us. Abundance. If you know anyone who needs a little extra love and goodness this Holiday season, email us their names. We will add them to our alter in the warehouse and continue sending the good out to them.